Blog is 3! Celebrating with King Trumpets and Shishito Peppers!

Grilled King Trumpet Mushrooms &  Shishito Peppers on Rosemary Skewers
Baby Spinach and Rosemary Roasted Golden Soybeans
Toasted Sesame Oil & Tomato Water

Pleurotus eryngii
King Trumpet Mushroom also known as King Oyster, Eryngii, Pleorote du Panicaut,
Argonane, Bouligoule, Champignon de Garrigue, Cardoncello, Cardarello

Taste With The Eyes is 3 years old!

Cooking, photographing, writing, then ultimately sharing my culinary adventures on Taste With The Eyes is a source of much joy for me. This little food blog is an ongoing learning experience, a terrific creative outlet, and a source of pride. It has opened doors and provided new opportunities. It is the means with which to connect with fellow foodies, and a wonderful way make new friends with various interests and passions from all around the globe. I am grateful to have the opportunity to share food and ideas and experiences with you.

Reading your blogs provides an awesome source of inspiration, a conduit of creativity, and a heartfelt connection through your personal stories. Your enthusiasm is infectious. I cook, dine, laugh, and cry with you.

Your kind, knowledgeable, clever, and sometimes funny comments are deeply appreciated. I learn so much from you, way beyond food and cooking. You amaze and inspire me.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

The words above I penned on last year’s anniversary. Today, I feel the same, times 365. It is my absolute pleasure to get to know you through your blogs. And extra special this year – was a true honor to meet several bloggers in person at the San Francisco Foodbuzz Festival, in Chicago, and in LA at a food writing seminar. I never imagined on June 10, 2007 when I taught myself how to upload a photo of my family’s dinner at Charlie Trotter’s Kitchen Table (that’s me on the right), that this little hobby would blossom into such a gratifying experience.

In honor of the three year anniversary and the very first post, I turned to Charlie Trotter’s Vegetables cookbook for inspiration. His recipe for Grilled Porcini Mushrooms with Tomato Water became my muse. The journey began with fresh Shishito peppers and King Trumpet mushrooms…

Shishito Peppers are popular in Japan; thin-walled and mild with just a whisper of heat. Every once in a while, though, you’ll come across a hot one!

To cook shishito, simply toss in a bit of olive oil, throw them on the grill, finish with some sea salt. We’ll be grilling these all summer.

I wish you could smell the tomato water. It screams summer. Simply pureé beefsteak tomatoes in a food processor with some salt. Place the pureé in a fine mesh sieve and strain the juice. “Tomato water acts as the contrasting backdrop and further highlights the haunting characteristics of the mushrooms,” explains Trotter.

Soak rosemary sticks in water for a few hours. When grilling try to keep the leaves away from the direct fire so they don’t burn.

The stout King Trumpet grows wild on the buried roots of hardwood trees and is popular in Europe and Japan.

The stem and the cap of the King Trumpet are firm and thick-fleshed, so require more cooking time than other less “meaty” mushrooms.

Trim off only the very bottom of the mushroom then season with toasted sesame oil, salt and pepper. Toss the shishito with olive oil and salt. Thread the mushrooms and peppers onto the rosemary sticks.

Toss boiled soybeans with olive oil, coarse salt, and minced rosemary. Roast in a 350°oven for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally, until golden.

Toss baby spinach leaves with a drizzle of half olive oil/half toasted sesame oil, sea salt and fresh ground pepper.

Then add room-temperature rosemary roasted soybeans.

Grilling is a little tricky because the peppers cook faster than the mushrooms, and  you don’t want to burn the rosemary. I found that cooking over medium heat on a covered barbecue grill works best, check on them often.

Mound the spinach and soybeans on the plate. Place two mushroom skewers on the spinach. Finish with a drizzle of toasted sesame oil and a drizzle of tomato water.

The texture of King Trumpets is reminiscent of abalone. The taste is earthy, meaty, exotic! Extraordinary!

GIVEAWAY – My Gift To You

It would bring me great joy to send a copy of  Charlie Trotter’s Vegetables to each and every one of you. Alas, I can share my enthusiasm for the book with you all, but can only ship a copy to one of you. Hopefully, this small gesture will help to convey my gratitude. Simply leave a comment on this post by June 24th for a chance to receive your own copy of Charlie Trotter’s Vegetables. The fortunate recipient will be chosen using The winner will be posted on Taste With The Eyes on June 26th.

“Charlie Trotter is passionate about vegetables. In this glorious volume, he presents more than 80 recipes from his famous vegetable menu. In keeping with his commitment to serving seasonal produce, the recipes are divided into 12 chapters, one for each month of the year, based on when the dishes’ ingredients reach their zenith. If you favor the earth’s purest and most complexly flavored offerings, epiphany lies within the pages of Charlie Trotter’s Vegetables.

This is one awe-inspiring cookbook! Good luck! Bonne chance!

Merci Beaucoup!

So, to Father Adam, Allison, Marie, Courtney, Stacey, Cynthia, Susan, Paul, Luiz, Laurie, Lori, Linda, Lisa, Nina, Peter, Joan, Claudia, Christina, Cristina, Ronell, Merisi, Chrystal, Amir, Simona, Matt, Josh, Danny, Darius, Alexa, Kiersten, Ryan, Dorian, Teri, Lynn, Dorothy, Greg, Val, Mardi, Penny, Debi, Jude, Marla, Sylvia, Mark, Marc, Jen, Jenn, Marvin, Paz, Ben, Kait, T.W., Giz, Psychgrad, Foodbin, Caveman, Natasha, Bren, Barbara, Pam, Kevin, Julia, Julie, Sylvia, Frank, Tash, Val, Erica, Erika, Sanam, Romee, Bee, Nuria, Emily, Rico, Charlotte, Lauren, Gail, Velva, Stephanie, Jonny, Amy, Sandi, Todd, Diane, Denise, Petrea, Krissy, Kristy, Judi, Amy, Sommer, Alison, Kathleen, Eileen, Jean, Vicki, Geri, Cherine, Nik, Kristi, Leah, Sara, Sarah, Heather, Molly, Deanna, Abbi, Sook, Tien, Kelly, Linn, Tori, Tom, Amanda, Dara, Mary, Ann, Elra, Alta, Joumana, Belinda, Elin, Maria, Shell, Carol, Hing, Kim, Scott, Dawn, Pamela, Elizabeth, Dennis, Juliana, Fifi, Rosa, Cara, Kathy, Lazaro, Tam, Roxan, Joy, Ivy, Reiko, Jeannie, Meghan, Abby, Skylar, David, Noelle, Casey, Nash, Olga, Louise, Audrey, Andra, Gina, Sally, Peggy, Peg, Davida, Lynn, Sasha, Cassie, Brian,  Janine, Stella, Noni, Anupama, Joann, Tony, Andrea, Laura, Mowie, Zara, Mo, Tony, Alissa, Poonam, Nancy, Teri, Abraham, Dee, Deeba, Grace, Bianca, Mickey, Erin, Bonnie, Liz, Katja, Ariel, Brooke, Joelle, and all my dear friends in the big bounteous blogosphere:

Thank you for your support, friendship, and inspiration!

Lori Lynn

89 thoughts on “Blog is 3! Celebrating with King Trumpets and Shishito Peppers!”

  1. My word, your photos are fantastic. Happy Birthday! You must feel so good about being able to do this for 3 years and going strong.

    I joined a CSA near home this year so I will have lots of vegtables to cook with real soon!


  2. A very nice dish to celebrate a special anniversary. Congratulations, my dear Lori Lynn. It’s always a pleasure to read your posts and it is an honor to be part of your circle of friends.

  3. Congratulations (and thanks) for 3 years. Although I haven’t been following from the beginning, I am an avid and appreciative reader. I love what you wrote about your experience and sentiments. I so concur, especially as it relates to the relationships we forge.

    The trumpet mushrooms look so fleshy and delicious. Are shishito peppers the same as padron peppers from Spain?

    1. Hi Joan – I have been spending some time trying to find a good description of the two peppers: Shishito and Padron.
      I think these two links describe the peppers the best:
      P.S. Thanks for your nice comments, so glad we got to meet in person at the Foodbuzz Festival last November!

  4. I saw this pepper at the farmer’s market, never knew the name. Now I know it is Shishito Peppers, thank you LL.

    I collect his book, except this one …

  5. Congratulations on three years. It’s really beautiful what you wrote about what your blog has been to you. Looking forward to trying some grilled king trumpet mushrooms (they sound so good!).

  6. Congratulations! Your blog is older than my daughter- by a whole year. And I say that because I know how much of a ‘baby’ a good blog is! You have raised a fabulous one.

  7. LL, It’s a privilege and a joy to journey through food with you….and an honor to be able to say that I know, first hand (or first bite, as it were), that your food tastes even better than it looks! Happy Taste With The Eyes Anniversary!!!

  8. Hearty congratulations. Your blog is always inspiring and edible. And I fully expect my cholesterol to go down because of you! The vegetable dish invites – although I already know I’ll burn the rosemary. The tomato water will soon be my new favorite ingredient!

  9. Happy Anniversary!!

    I’ve had shishito peppers in restaurants and adore them, but I have only seen them at the markets once…at a new defunct Japanese grocer. Where did you find your?

  10. Hi Lori Lynn. Thanks for passing from my blog and it’s a real honour to meet you. You have a lovely blog and reading your About page, just a minute ago I found out that we do have so many things in common. I’ve started a heathy recipes section on my blog a few months ago and after almost three years of blogging I’ve realized that I should stick to my healthy recipes and exercise more, after first evidence of having some health problems.
    Congratulations for your third blog anniversary and hope that you will be writing for many more years to come. I hope that on your 4th anniversary I will be included in the list of your followers.

  11. Whoo-hoo! A heartfelt congratulations to you. I definitely have feasted with my eyes on your blog — and I’m not a “foodie”! I remember how you 1st found me going from S.P. to Austria to Australia to PV… Thank you for your superb blog and blog friendship.

  12. Lori-Lynn, congrats on three years of cooking and I look forward to your always delicious foods, your ornate table settings, arrangements are dinner party reports.

    I too have been enjoying grilled mushrooms…so meaty!

  13. Happy Birthday Taste with the Eyes! We both started our blogs a couple of months apart back in 2007, I’ve been a fan of yours from day one! I was so happy to get to meet you in person this year and look forward to it again. You haven’t slowed down one bit you just keep getting better and better, you and your blog are amazing!!!

    Hugs, to you my friend,

  14. Congrats on 3 successful years of blogging. I have been a long for the last year, and enjoy hearing all about your Sunken City Adventures and everything else you are making.
    I’ve never had shishito peppers, but they look/sound a lot like Spanish padron peppers.
    ~Lovely appetizer– celebration worthy!

  15. congratulations on three great years, and best wishes for many more! i discovered your blog this past year and love the style, recipes, and photos. it’s a real treat!

  16. Dear Lori Lyn!
    May I venture to say that you are becoming Japanese (in the very positive meaning!)?
    Just beautiful! I know many Japanese vhef friends who would love to enjoy your recipe and pics!
    Thank you so much for sharing!
    Best regards,

  17. I cooked oyster mushrooms this weekend- simple with shallots and thyme and a little Madeira- a Thomas Keller recipe that I have made several times now and that works with just about any tasty mushroom. I love your way of cooking them as well- beautiful pictures too!

  18. It’s amazing how far a person can come in 3 years. Congratulations on 3 successful years. Happy to that you have shared them with us.

  19. Dear Lori Lynn,
    heartfelt congratulations on three years of delight for your readers, thank you for putting so much love and hard work into sharing your culinary adventures!
    I wished we would live closer, I’d love to see you in action.
    Maybe you do make a trip to Rome and Italy, Vienna too perchance, then we could meet and talk about ….. food!??? *giggles*

    A warm embrace and best wishes for the future,

  20. Congratulations on this amazing milestone Lori! You are an amazing chef and I know only good yummy things are in store for you!

  21. congrat on your 3 years, wow so many great recipes you have shared, including this one, I love that you used rosemary, what great flavor..


  22. Oh, sorry I’m so late to say a Congratulations on your third blogoversary, Lori Lynn! How lovely ~ you give so generously of your time and culinary talents, and your blog is a beautiful place to be. Thank you, and thank you for your support, too. x

  23. Wow–this dish looks amazing, and I don’t even like mushrooms! I love the idea of using the rosemary as skewers, though–so much flavor. My husband & I are trying to improve how we eat, and one of the primary steps is by emphasizing fresh vegetables, so this would be perfect timing! Congrats on 3 years!!! Your pics are gorgeous, and your food is mouthwatering, and your writing style is lovely and professional.

  24. One can only dream of eating at Charlie Trotter’s in Chicago. I would LOVE this cookbook. Congratulations on your blog anniversary.

  25. Lori Lynn, you did it again! This recipe and all you bring to us stimulates our appetite and our creativity. Congratulation on a lovely job with this blog. Happy Anniversary.

  26. Congratulations on a successful three years! Your blog is fantastic! I love the idea of using rosemary as a skewer in this recipe. And the thought of grilled peppers and mushrooms makes my mouth water…

  27. Thankgoodness there’s still time, what a fabulous sounding book! And of course, a big Happy Blogiversary to you, looking forward to many more!

  28. The recipe is lovely! Congratulations on completing 3 years! Love Charlie Trotter’s recipes. What an incredible chef!

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