My Julia Child floribunda roses (butter yellow) with French Perfume hybrid tea roses (pink with yellow center) and 5 fresh herbs from Gail’s Garden: rosemary, basil, sage, mint, and flowering oregano.
Julia Child writing about 1949:
“On August 15, I turned thirty-seven years old. Paul bought me the Larousse Gastronomique, a wonder-book of 1,087 pages of sheer cookery and foodery…By now I knew French food was “it” for me. I couldn’t get over how absolutely delicious it was.”
I didn’t know that today was Julia Child’s birthday!
Though certainly there were many grand celebrations for her on that day.
I have a sweet little note she wrote me in response to a dinner party invitation sketch I sent her, done for the James Beard House I think…
Lovely quote.
Oh, your roses and herbs are gorgeous.