It is one of my greatest pleasures to host
Thanksgiving Dinner
in my home year after year.
Here is my brother Don at the outside bar.
Don, Kristy and the kids travel here to LA from Chicago.

Wendy, Jett, Mom, Stone and Lisa in the backyard.
Wendy is from Scottsdale, Arizona.
Mom lives in Santa Barbara, California.
Lisa is from Germany.

Getting ready to serve dinner, buffet style.
Appetizers are on the counter.

Wendy wrote the menu for me on a platter.
Very artistic!

Lil’ Smokies, because everyone likes ’em, especially the kids.
They disappear every year. Haha.
Steve and his son, Kyle

26 Pounder.
My “Do Nothing” recipe for cooking a turkey:
1. Loosely stuff the cavity with roughly chopped onions, carrots, and celery, lots of butter and salt and pepper.
2. Rub the entire outside of the bird with soft butter and salt and pepper.
3. Put more roughly chopped onions, carrots and celery in the bottom of the roasting pan with enough chicken stock so that the pan does not dry out.
4. Roast at 325° for a total of about 5 hours. Leave the bird alone, don’t baste, don’t cover, just “do nothing” and then marvel at the beautiful bird when it reaches 165 degree internal temperature. Use a remote thermometer to monitor the temperature.
5. Remove from oven and let it rest.
6. Have a Skin Party.
I believe the secret is to start with a great turkey. This is a fresh Diestel Turkey Ranch Premium Range Grown Broad Breasted Young Hen Turkey.
Tom makes canned cranberry sauce look gourmet.
I had an idea to make a cranberry gelée, but ran out of time.
Tom improvised for me.
I love it!

Tom’s Sushi-style (ahi) Cranberry Gelée.

Getting ready for our tradition: THE SKIN PARTY

I guess that skin-lovers will like this ritual, others may cringe. But hey, this is all family and the best of friends. So we can pick the skin together. Nice crispy skin, help yourself! Don’t be shy!

Mom and Chip kick off the Skin Party.

Stone and Don.
I think this is the first time Stone participated in the Skin Party.

Mom, Kyle, Stone, Tom, and Lisa

During the Skin Party, I make the gravy.

Once we finish the Skin Party, Chip carves the turkey. Kyle is stirring the creamed corn and Linda and Tom are heating the mashed potatoes.

Pat’s heavenly popovers (my personal favorite).
They are also great for breakfast the next day, with a cup of coffee.
Right, Mom?

Mushroom, Leek, Sage Stuffing
I make it with Ciabatta Bread.

Chip serves gravy to Mom.

The Feast!
Red roses from my garden.

Stone makes the place cards the day before.
Gratitude Sharing
We put a place card at every seat at the table and scatter some pens about. During the beginning of the meal everyone is encouraged to write on their card the things they are grateful for this year. We save these cards so friends and family that have been coming to Thanksgiving at my home now have several cards at their setting. It is fun and poignant and sometimes sad to read what we were grateful for in past years. We read our current card out loud and some from the past. We also cherish the cards that have been written by those who are no longer with us.
Gratitude Old and New
“I am grateful to have two nephews and the opportunity to cook with them.”
“I am thankful for everything my parents have done for me.”
“I am thankful for all the experiences this year. I thank my family and my best friends for all the support they give me, for spending beautiful days with them and for all the love they give me. And I want to thank Kristy, Don, Stone, and Jett for being part of their family, sharing their American-way-of-life, and for giving me the best year of my life. I love you all. Thank you.”
“Here’s to a healthy 2010.”
“I am thankful for my family and friends. I am also thankful that my college applications are almost done. “
“The freedom we have.”
“Good friends.”
“Good health and old age.”
“Having exciting happy moments, lots of them, with my family.”
“I’m grateful for my family and friends.”
“I am grateful for my lovely daughter-in-law.”
“I’m grateful for my job and my life.”
“We are thankful for fresh air from the ocean, good earth to grow vegetables, clean water for seafood, and friends to share with.”
“I am thankful right now to be sitting among all these lovely people.”
“Great food!”
“Thank you for yesterday, today, and tomorrow.”
“I am thankful for God.”
“I am thankful for this great opportunity to get to know a different country and new people and to be part of a traditional Thanksgiving in America.”
“I am thankful to be able to watch the kids grow.”
“I am thankful for the lives we live and all our loving friends and kin.”
A Thanksgiving Poem
Thanks to all for being so dear
And I hope to see you again next year.
The same faces have again appeared
Along with some new ones which we cheer.
With our friends and family we remain very close
As we celebrate Thanksgiving
With those we love the most.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Later that night, Tom and Jett with Wilson.
Thanksgiving Day Humor: My brother-in-law once shared with us about a year in the past when he was reluctant to eat the Thanksgiving turkey because there were two necks in the cavity. He assumed it was a two-headed bird.
I enjoyed so many things about this post – the plate with the menu on it; the skin-picking party; and the notes read aloud – what a lovely tradition.
What a feast! Everything looks terrific!
Great Post. I LOVE the skin party tradition. Never, ever thought of that, but what a great deal…..
And the cards, from Thanksgiving's past, that also is a great tradition.
Thanks for sharing. As I read the part about cards that referred to members no longer there, I teared up as I thought about MY family.
Again, great post. Thank you.
The Merlin Menu (Ron Merlin)
Love ythe gratitude and putting the thanks in. Also – wow – the skin-pricking party – how fun is that? Lovely day – thanks for sharing it.
What a lovely spread!!! Looks like a wonderful time was had by all. A good way to celebrate.
Thanks Lori, I was reminded by this delightful post just how blessed I am too. I also have a very large extended family and although we do not celebrate Thanksgiving, we have the same ritual at Christmas….except then we pick on pork crackling!!!
such a close knit family and a great happy gathering-i like the skinning ritual.
I love the sushi-style cranberry sauce!
A wonderful feast! I love the idea of a "skin party"!
awww i love the menu on the plate and the notes….
The skin picking tradition is one I'm jealous of!!!! =) makes me wanna go home and pick the skin off some popeye's chicken =P not the same, but it's the only thing around i can buy
What a great Thanksgiving – fromt he menu written on the plate to the "gourmet" cranberry gelée, I love everything about this! And then the skin! Oh my!!!
What a perfect Thanksgiving. The only thing that was missing was me! Sure wish I could have been there. It sure looks like everyone enjoyed themselves. Another successful party, LL!
Ahhhh, looks like a blast. Makes me sad I missed Thanksgiving this year! I'm in Australia – they still haven't managed to break free from the Brits and hence have nothing to give thanks for… 🙂
Great post! I'm not sure which part I liked the best. The skin party, the plate, all your family sharing, the two headed bird or your mom's smile.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I have been looking forward to your Thanksgiving post! The cranberry jelly presentation tops everything this year, how ingenious! The first Thanksgiving I cooked took place in Rome and there were no fresh cranberries around, but there was one place that carried Oceanspray cranberry jelly, Castroni, and I cut it into the classic round slices.
I'll have to come back to savour all the other details, just love the skin party, the little sausages and the leftover post and … and … and …
I hope you did rest up from all this work! 🙂
I read (truly read) and looked at the photos twice because I was so enjoying my visit. I, too, loved the skin picking party (we may 'borrow' this one for the next holiday turkey). Everything was just lovely and it was clear there was lots of love around the table.
Oh Lori Lynn, this was a beautiful post. I was particularly touched by the gratitude sharing and the tradition of the cards… so moving.
oh that bird!!!!! and what a feast!!
Such beautiful traditions you've created! A wonderfully inspirational post that I loved reading.
Thank you for sharing!What a feast!That turkey looks beautiful.
This was my absolute favorite post ever.
I love how you read past years thankful cards aloud, and let me be the first in line at the skin party, please!
Beautiful family feast with lovely traditions. Loved it.
(what if it rains outside? do you bring in the furniture?….oh yeah, it doesn't rain in California!).
A fabulous Thanksgiving feast you have and the sharing of gratitude is a great tradition, among many that you and your family share.
And thank you for sharing it with us too!
Oh, what a wonderful day you all had! And such a feast. Nice to see family photos too.
Sorry I missed you again at the Turkey Trott. I wore myself out trying to catch-up to my sister-in-law who gave up after seeing the full parking lot and the crowd and went for a walk in Wilson Park – LOL. I too used to run and now walk a 5K in the time I used to run a 10K. Ah, well, I'm grateful to be here and to be walking!
What a lovley menu and family. Your blog is fantastic! I also really enjoyed your post on Absinthe. Very informative. Your Brother Don is very handsome!
I am screaming at the 'pulling skin' tradition! Last year someone got to mine before I got the pic, so I got harassed on my blog for that one, but confession- I did it, could not help myself…I love the plate menu, love it!
Although I didn't comment right away on this post when you first posted it,( I caught a bug and was down for a couple of days) I felt the love you all have as a family. Thanks for sharing your beautiful traditions. Darn, I wish we could sit outside for leftovers!
What a beautiful and special day – everything looked beautiful and and just glorious! I would be among the skin pickers too… a lovely thanksgiving!
That turkey skin is a thing of perfection. Yes, i'm catching up but better late than never!