Cherry Profiteroles @ db

“A modern French-American bistro where the traditions of French cuisine meet the flavors of the American market with a menu reflecting the changing seasons and a focus on the simplicity of fine ingredients. db is Daniel Boulud’s interpretation of the new generation of Parisian bistros whose classically trained chefs offer creative cuisine in a casual, comfortable and contemporary setting. His New York rendition combines the youthful energy of his adopted city with the Gallic flair of the country he left behind.”

Heirloom Beets & Summer Truffles

From the “Tasting of Vegetables” menu at per se.

Slow Baked Heirloom Beets
“Bavarois” of Kendall Farms Crème Fraîche, Shaved Summer Truffle, Young Fennel and Bulls Blood Greens with Red Beet Reduction

Kendall Farms Crème Fraîche is pasteurized cultured cream with complex nutty flavors and gentle acidity, made with cream from Holstein cows and a patented heirloom starter culture.

Mesquite Grilled Mexican Sea Bass

We grilled this fresh Sea Bass from Mexican waters then served it with a browned butter sauce made with lemon juice, capers, white wine, crème fraîche, and parsley.

At the Cal Poly Farmstead Cheesemaker Course last fall, we learned from Sadie Kendall, how crème fraîche helps to stabilize and add a luxurious texture and flavor to sauces. Thanks Sadie!