Oysters Rockefeller
With Komo Gway Oysters
The original Oysters Rockefeller recipe created by Jules Alciatore in 1899 at Antoine’s Restaurant in New Orleans remains a secret to this day. Since no one outside of Antoine’s knows the exact recipe, there are hundreds of variations. Fresh oysters, assorted greens, toasty breadcrumbs…it’s hard to go wrong with any combination!
Komo Gway
Komo Gway Oysters are cultured in the clean, clear waters of Baynes Sound, British Columbia, Canada, using sustainable methods. Pentlatch Seafoods Ltd., a company wholly owned by the K’ómoks First Nation, produces Komo Gway Oysters within their traditional territory.
Komo Gway, “Ruler of the Undersea”
Pentlatch Seafoods Ltd. honors the Legend of Komo Gway by ensuring, above all, the sustainability of the sea and its creatures by seeding, annually, millions of Manila Clams and Pacific Oysters on their beaches. To further ensure the sustainability of the marine resources, they have also implemented an Environmental Stewardship Program that supports the continuation of clean marine waters within their traditional territory. The mission statement is “CLEAN WATER Our Responsibility, Our Legacy” which ensures sustainability of resources and their legacy to future generations.

I just recently discovered these oysters at the Ports O’ Call fish market. They are heavenly! Plump, with a clean, crisp, slight cucumber flavor. And not too difficult to shuck either!
Taste With The Eyes’
Oysters Rockefeller
Blend baby spinach, fresh tarragon leaves, rough chopped scallions, and a small amount of panko bread crumbs in the small bowl of a food processor. (Other recipes include ingredients such as parsley, celery, celery leaves, chervil, watercress, and some omit the spinach).
Sauté the spinach mixture in butter for just a few minutes. Add a splash of Pastis, Paprika Piquant (hot paprika), and salt to taste. Set aside to cool.
Mix equal parts Parmesan and panko breadcrumbs together, add Paprika Piquant to taste. (Some recipes include cheese, others do not).

Fill the bottom of an ovenproof pan with Kosher or rock salt. Nestle fresh shucked oysters into the salt. Top each with the spinach mixture. (Some recipes add crumbled bacon atop the spinach mixture).

Then top with breadcrumb mixture. Bake at 450° for about 12-14 minutes until the breadcrumb mixture is golden brown.
The Rich Theme
For a little extra Rockefeller richness, I top each oyster with a small dollop of creme fraiche.
“We trust that you will be pleased with the riches from our lands.”
K’ómoks First Nation
According to legend, it is said that an Antoine’s customer exclaimed with delight after eating this dish, “Why, this is as rich as Rockefeller!”
John Davison Rockefeller (July 8, 1839 – May 23, 1937) was an American industrialist. Rockefeller revolutionized the petroleum industry and defined the structure of modern philanthropy. In 1870, he founded the Standard Oil Company and aggressively ran it until he officially retired in 1897. As kerosene and gasoline grew in importance, Rockefeller’s wealth soared, and he became the world’s richest man and first American billionaire. (from wikipedia)