Organic Mixed Lettuce Salad, Mustard Vinaigrette
Jacques Pepin’s Vinaigrette in a Jar
2 tsp chopped garlic
3 Tbs Dijon-style mustard
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp freshly ground pepper
1/4 c red or white wine vinegar
1 c extra virgin olive oil
Put all ingredients in a jar, screw on the lid, and shake very well.
“I make dressing in a jar all the time at home, just like the recipe here. In less than a minute, I have enough for several salads. And if I happen to have a jar of mustard that is almost empty it’s even faster, I just add oil and vinegar, salt and pepper, and shake,” Jacques Pepin. From Jacques & Julia Cooking at Home
Yellow, through the work of the LiveStrong Foundation, has come to signify the fight against cancer.
Briana Brownlow is one of 5% of women under the age of 30 diagnosed with breast cancer. At the age of 15, Bri lost her 41-year old mother to the disease. In August 2007, she started Figs with Bri – a food blog where she shares her creative experiments with wonderful local organic ingredients. A month and a half ago, her worst fears came true. She learned that her cancer has returned and metastasized to her lungs, her lymph nodes and several areas in her bones and is at Stage IV. (from Jugalbundi blog)
The folks at Jugalbundi are hosting a fundraiser to help Bri, a fellow food blogger, with medical expenses. This month the CLICK food photography event theme is YELLOW for Bri.
Godspeed, Bri.