Thank You Blogger

Blogs of Note
Interesting and Noteworthy Blogger-powered Blogs
Compiled by the Blogger Team
We had a terrific Thanksgiving here, if you celebrate, I hope you did too. And the icing on the cake (or should I say pie?) was that Blogger picked Taste With The Eyes as the Blog of Note for Thursday, November 27! WOW. In between cooking the Big Bird (25.90 lbs.) and making the dressing, other side dishes, and playing with my nephews, I took a break to post that adorable photo of Stone. Little did I know that a neat surprise was waiting for me! There were comments from folks far and wide who had never visited Taste With The Eyes before. All this was due to the absolute honor of being chosen as the Blog of Note. I am really excited to meet new bloggers. The friendships that I have made so far are amazing. It is a special relationship that we form and how we come to care for strangers met through our blogs, a unique experience indeed. To my old and new friends alike, I sure do relish your input. To the Blogger Team and Blogger Buzz at Google thank you so much for this awesome distinction and wonderful opportunity to make new friends.
Oh, the party is not over yet. At 1 o’clock this afternoon we have 20 or more friends stopping by for our annual open house, we call it Leftover Day. We’ll be putting the leftovers out on the buffet and grilling some delectable turkey and honeybaked ham sandwiches on the new panini maker!

Last night was a blast. After dinner, we played a hilarious game called Mad Gab. Everyone was in stitches. The boys insisted we play charades, so we did that too! So I’m wondering, how do you feel about leaving the dishes until the morning? Me? I feel just fine about it. Would rather laugh and play while everyone is here. The dishes can wait. But they can’t wait too long, now we’ve got another party in a few hours, so I gotta go take care of business…

38 thoughts on “Thank You Blogger”

  1. Congratulaions on being chosen as a blog of note. It looks like you had your hands full but I am sure that you enjoyed it all.

  2. Lori Lynn, It was only a matter of time for more of the world to see what a fantastic blog you have! Congratulations on being chosen as “Blog of Note”! So well deserved! Your leftover party sounds like so much fun!Take lots of pic’s

  3. Hi
    just took a peek at your blog. Your photos are scrumptious. I’m drooling. Great pics, and I look forward to browsing further

  4. I love your blog! I’ve just discovered it in the past few weeks and have been following since. Congrats on the blog of note – well deserved.

  5. Sumptuous! And ccongratulations!
    I currently have lijit as my source for finding something on my page. Since I’ve been blogging since May have much to learn. Can you help? Was wondering if you can tell me how you got your google widget which enables to search your page? Thank you so much. Petra :))

  6. Kudos, Lori Lynn. If I chose such things, you’d be the winner every time. And a little elf has told me that the Le Creuset tartin pan I asked you about definitely will be in my stocking for Christmas. You’re my hero.

  7. I’ll tell you how I feel about waiting for the next day to do dishes. It always seems like a good idea at the time, and then makes me feel worse in the morning if I had too much wine with dinner! Congrats on being named a blog of note!

  8. Congrats! Who would want to do dishes when they can play?

    Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful, and I know with the meals you create it was 🙂

  9. Congrats on your award, well deserved and just confirms why I love to visit here!
    and I’m so happy to find a partner in crime in you..,Ii don’t mind leaving the dishes either…time spent with friends is too precious.
    PS:Your kitchen looks so inviting, wish I could join you there!

  10. Are you still washing dishes??? I hope y’all had a wonderful day.

    Congrats on being a blog of note~ well deserved. You always do a beautiful job.

  11. Hi Fab Girl – yep, but I did have a lot of help!

    Hi Marie – you are always so sweet. Thank you very much.

    Steeeeve! I know you’re just kidding!

    Thank you and welcome Foodbin!

    Hi Charrose – we laughed so hard!

    Thanks Ning – I always appreciate your comments.

    Welcome Sylv – thank you, glad to have you visit.

    Hi Cynthia – we were talking about how much we like Leftover Day, and you don’t have to put anything away, just wash it and put it back out for party number two.

    Thanks Dee – happy you’re here!

  12. Hi Petra – I don’t remember where I found the widget, but if you email me directly, I will send you the entire code to cut and paste. You would just need to change the part about Taste With The Eyes.

    Hi Anon – thank you and YAY for the Le Creuset tarte tatin pan!

    Haha Christine – Too much wine with dinner? I understand you very well. Still, leave the dishes and have fun!

    Thanks Ohiomom – makes sense to me, play before work, isn’t that how the saying goes?

    I wish you could too Ronell.

    Yeah Sandi – still washing… but wouldn’t trade it for anything. We had such a good time together with family and friends.

  13. LL,
    I have never heard of Blogs of Note, I found you thru Marie at Proud Italian Cook’s blog.

    Re: dishes left in the sink.

    You are kidding, right?
    I couldn’t leave them overnight.
    The kitchen has to be SPOTLESS or I wouldn’t go to bed!!!

    What time is the open house?
    I’ll be right over, I can do your dishes!!!
    Stacey Snacks

  14. Congrats! Wow what a mess to clean up lol. My mom started a tradition a few years ago of going out to this fancy restaurant for our Turkey Day. Good food, just not the same.

  15. Wow!! Fantastic blog! Great values: food and family and giving thanks. Thanks to you!
    Jann Gumbiner, check out my quilting blog

  16. I love your pics and am inspired. I’m a budding photographer married to a talented chef. Hmmm… I might eat a few cold dinners in the near future as I forsee myself taking too long trying to capture the aroma with my lens. I wanted to take a moment to answer your question regarding leaving the dishes for the next morning. I say, “Yes! Enjoy the dinner, the company, the evening!” But my husband on the other hand, is obsessive about cleaning as he cooks and leaving a spotlessly clean kitchen before he can enjoy his evening.

  17. Great Thanksgiving posts! I wish I would have left the dishes til morning too — I’m working on letting go of the little things for a while! Sounds like you had such fun … best wishes for the upcoming holidays as well!

  18. Congratulations on being chosen Blog of Note! 🙂

    I washed the glasses only the day after, so much safer for them, with me being wide awake instead of under turkey influence. It did take me three days, though, to put all those dishes and pans and pots back on the shelves and into the cupboards. 😉

  19. What a great idea, i wish i would have found you sooner! I wouldn’t have been eating stuffing for the past 3 days!

  20. What a great idea, i wish i would have found you sooner! I wouldn’t have been eating stuffing for the past 3 days!

  21. Congratulations on being chosen as a Blog of Note!

    Looks like you had a feast at your place. Who was on dishwashing duty? 1..2…3 NOT IT!

  22. heyi buddy
    i juzz read your blog
    and i completely loved it…. I’m a foodie and i think reading ur blog was the ryt thing.

    Keep udating and adding more..


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