Thick & Rough Oatmeal
Walnuts, Non-fat Greek Yogurt
Olive Oil & Kosher Salt
Good Morning! Rise and Shine!
I’m pretty sure this oatmeal is not going to excite all of you. But for those of us who do not put sugar in our coffee, those who would order the egg-white Denver omelette over the blueberry pancakes with maple syrup – my savory friends – this oatmeal is for you!
Made with whole grain milled oats (I like The Silver Palate brand) topped with crunchy walnut halves, a generous scoop of non-fat Greek yogurt, a drizzle of high quality olive oil, and a sprinkling of Kosher salt. Super savory, super satisfying.
Alas, it is not low in calories, but it is high in many foods that are super-good for the heart (go easy on the salt though).
- Extra virgin OLIVE OIL, made from the first press of olives, is especially rich in heart-healthy antioxidants called polyphenols, as well as healthy monounsaturated fats. Polyphenols may protect blood vessels.
- A small handful of WALNUTS a day may lower your cholesterol and reduce inflammation in the arteries of the heart. Walnuts are packed with omega-3s, monounsaturated fats, and fiber.
- Oats in all forms can help your heart by lowering LDL, the bad cholesterol. A warm bowl of OATMEAL fills you up for hours, fights snack attacks, and helps keep blood sugar levels stable over time — making it useful for people with diabetes, too.
- While low-fat dairy is most often touted for bone health, these foods can help control high blood pressure, too. Milk is high in calcium and potassium and YOGURT has twice as much of these important minerals. To really boost the calcium and minimize the fat, choose low-fat or non-fat varieties.
- COFFEE and tea may help protect your heart by warding off type 2 diabetes.
- KOSHER SALT may be worth a try for people trying to control high blood pressure. It has half the sodium of table salt, thanks to its large crystals. You’ll still need to measure carefully; a teaspoon of Kosher salt has 1,120 milligrams of sodium — not too far below the 1,500-milligram daily limit for people with hypertension.
From WebMD: 24 Foods That Can Save Your Heart here.
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I actually straddle the fence – need to do the oatmeal thing for healthy, morning warmth and staying power and love everything on the other end of the spectrum. Of course I shall do this – I take my coffee black but usually like a hint of sweet in my oatmeal. And coffee is good for alzheimers…. trying to coverall the bases. Anything new with oatmeal is gratefully received.
Yes, this is my kind of food, although I do indulge a few times in making some non healthy desserts.
Oh I’m so glad to hear coffee is good for alzheimers…got that covered, now I’ll try to work on the oatmeal. I usually have a whole grain high fiber english muffin for breakfast, sometimes with a poached egg, I know, boring!!
Sounds very nutritious and yummy, would love to try it for my breakfast right now!
Love oatmeal! And I love it just how you wrote it! Had one very similar for breakfast this morning and will try your version tomorrow. Thanks!
Yummm! That is something that would DEFINITELY keep me full until lunchtime!
i love oatmeal and we enjoy it throughout fall and winter..but savory , oh yes love it..the girls only want sweet versions with frozen berries I saved from the season…but me, I need savory..I am sure they will love this also…
Oh, this looks like the most delicious oatmeal ever! Even my husband might eat it 🙂
I’m a savory person all the way! Oatmeal with olive oil – never would have thought about it, but it looks delicious and healthy! It’s been awhile since I visited your blog, but I do remember reading about your great supper club dinners. You’re getting my vote – good luck in the challenge.
Lori Lynn, this oatmeal looks wonderful! The little ones and I enjoy it through the Fall and Winter. Thanks so much for visiting my place and leaving words of encouragement. I appreciate your support! Have a wonderful weekend. Besitos!!