Doggie ♥ Treats

best dog treat recipe
Braunschweiger & Brown Rice Balls

My sweet little Wilson is recovering from surgery. His procedure was a “right everted laryngeal saccule removal and stenotic nares resection.” (Kind of like a tonsillectomy and a nose job). He’s almost 10 years old, and is having more trouble breathing. The procedure opens up the airways in the throat and enlarges his tiny nostrils, as cute as they were, they were not very efficient. He is doing fine today, but must eat a soft diet. No biscuits. No pumpkin apple biscuits, his daily favorite…

best dog treats
Lucky that his mom is a cook, and created a delectable soft treat for the little guy. A small piece of liver sausage is rolled into a ball in the palm of the hand. Then it’s coated with warm cooked brown rice. It is a perfect vehicle for hiding his pills too.

Here’s to Wilson’s successful & speedy recovery.

15 thoughts on “Doggie ♥ Treats”

  1. Poor Wilson! {And poor mum ~ so hard to take when our little furkids are having troubles.} What lovely treats. I need to get dinner, as they are looking a bit too good to me!! Hugs to Wilson and here’s to a speedy recuperation.

  2. So sorry to hear that Wilson needed surgery. I hope your dear pup has a speedy recovery, LL. With such loving-care nutrition as you are preparing for him, he’ll bounce back in no time.

  3. Poor little Wilson! But I’m certain he is THRILLED with these treats…my pup sure would be (but she has a very restricted diet due to inflammatory bowel disease…fun, eh?).

  4. Hello. I just saw your post being shared on Boston Buddies about Wilson’ s passing. I’m so terribly sorry you are going through this right now, especially with the holidays. I am only in my mid 20’s but I have gone through this 3 times already & unfortunately it never gets easier. But these little love bugs deserve every ounce of love we give during their time here with us, and they deserve every ounce of sorrow when they pass. They are family. Even better than that, they are animals who love us deeply & unconditionally. Animals love us in a way that no human could ever truly do.

    Take care, and love again,
    Tiffany H.

    1. Thank you for your kind words Tiffany. It’s so lonely here without him. Your comment and those from others on Facebook do help to ease the pain, if only by a little bit. I am so deeply appreciative of all the virtual hugs and sympathy…Wilson is feeling all the love too, I am certain.

  5. Hi I am the fundraising coordinator for Boston Buddies and I just read about Wilson. It brought tears to my eyes and i wanted to give you my sincere condolences on your loss. I know your heart is aching and healing will take time. Reading what you wrote shows how much you loved him and it fills my heart with joy to know that you rescued him and loved him so much! I wanted to share one of my favorite quotes with you:

    “Dogs come into our lives to teach us about love. They depart to teach us about loss. A new dog never replaces an old dog; it merely expands the heart. If you have loved many dogs, your heart is very big.”

    I know when the time is right your heart will be strong enough to love again. He is now at Rainbow Bridge running around and looking down on you.


    Hereta Cervantes

    1. Thank you for the lovely message Hereta. And thank you for what you do for Boston Buddies. I loved Wilson very much, he was such a joy. And there will definitely be another in the future, one that will not replace my little buddy, but honor him, by rescuing and loving another. I’ll be in touch in the New Year…

  6. I’m so sorry for your loss of your special friend, Wilson. I lost my beloved Brittany 8 yrs ago to an Addisonian crisis and my very first Boston, Tess, 2yrs ago August to mast cell cancer. Tess was 10 and a half years old. All dogs are wonderful, but Bostons are so very wonderful. I hope that you will rescue again after the holidays. Wilson would want you to do that. Only another Boston can help you heal. I rescued Suzie, a 4yr old Boston a month after Tess passed. It was hard at first, but now I wouldn’t trader her for all the chocolate in a See’s factory! Please comfort yourself knowing that you gave that little guy the best life he could have ever had. You are a wonderful person!

    1. Hi Julie – I am so sorry for your loss and heartache too. But I’m so happy that you have Suzie now. Each little doggie is so special in their own way. I had two other Bostons too, Mally & Homer. Now they are all together at the Rainbow Bridge…Thank you so much for your kind words.
      There is room in my heart for another, I think next year.

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