Ceviche de Pulpo (Octopus)

Ceviche de Pulpo (Octopus)

🐙 Ceviche de Pulpo (Octopus) 🐙

This octopus ceviche recipe offers a delightful combination of textures, flavors, and colors with the citrusy brightness of the dressing complementing the tender ocean-y octopus and the freshness of the vegetables.

Cooked Octopus Tentacles (Pulpo Cocido) by Nuchar is a refrigerated product available at Costco and Amazon. The octopus is from the Eastern Central Atlantic Ocean, a product of Spain. It has already been cleaned and tentacles have been separated from the head. Pulpo Cocido is already cooked and ready to eat. It is excellent sliced thin and served cold as in this ceviche, and also as in this Nobu-Style carpaccio dish.

Ceviche de Pulpo (Octopus)

Receta de Ceviche de Pulpo

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