Duck Breast Taco
Flour Tortilla, Heated over an Open Flame
Napa Cabbage, Scallions, Cilantro, Serrano Chiles
Drizzled with Crema Mexicana and Hoisin Sauce

It arrived in two days! I ordered the Lincoln Presidential China dinner plate on Inauguration Day from the Reagan Library Museum Store and received it on Thursday afternoon. It is beautiful, substantial, completely functional, and far exceeded my expectations. The border is a fabulous shade of purple. It comes in a gorgeous box with a Certificate of Authenticity and a recipe for a dish President Lincoln enjoyed, Chicken Fricasse, which I plan to make soon.
Along with the recipe came this bit of history: Mary Todd Lincoln was a dignified and charming hostess who enjoyed social affairs. She introduced the practice of ornamenting the Presidential tables with fragrant natural flowers where previously artificial flowers had served as decorations. The Lincolns extended a cordial welcome at their receptions to all classes of people not just the social elite. President Lincoln was probably the smallest eater of all the presidents, often making a meal out of an apple and a piece of cheese. He did, however, enjoy a meal featuring chicken. Chicken Fricasse was one of his favorites.

Since the dinner plate arrived within 48 hours of Our Inaugural Meal, I just happened to have a cooked leftover duck breast on hand. I warmed up the sliced duck breast, heated a flour tortilla on the grill, added shredded napa cabbage, thinly sliced serrano chiles, cilantro, and sliced scallions, drizzled on crema Mexicana and Hoisin sauce then served it on my new dinner plate. As tasty as this was, I hope I’m not breaking protocol by serving leftovers on Presidential China!
This dinner plate has been authentically re-created
from the White House china pattern
used during the Administration of
Sixteenth President of the United States of America
1861 – 1865
New Castle, Pa.