A Pasta Made Exclusively from Black Beans?

black bean spaghetti, heirloom tomato, garlic, basil

black bean pasta
heirloom tomato, garlic, basil, red pepper flakes, olive oil

The noodles are marketed as “Organic Black Bean Spaghetti Shape” but the shape is actually closer to a cross between linguini and capellini. A long flat skinny noodle. The flavor is definitely reminiscent of beans, and the tooth is chewy in a pleasant way.

I was not expecting to be impressed, but it turns out that this pasta substitute is actually good. Really good. Love the creamy black color, al dente texture, mild sweet bean-y flavor, and earthy aroma. I think my gluten-free friends will be extra happy at our next Italian-themed dinner party…

black bean pasta recipe

black bean spaghetti, heirloom tomato, garlic, basil
There seems to be some controversy regarding the nutritional facts on the package which claim to provide 27% daily value of protein, 48% of daily value of fiber and 36% daily value of iron per 2 oz. serving.

Explore Cuisine Organic Black Bean Spaghetti Shape is sold at Whole Foods Market, and is a product of China. Whether or not the percentages of the nutrition facts are completely accurate, the product is still high in protein, iron, and fiber, lower in carbohydrates. Gluten-free. Sodium-free. Low fat. Vegan. Organic. Kosher. And tasty.

UPDATE 12/15/2014: Explore Cuisine has confirmed with me that the nutritional facts have been tested by three independent sources and all three have verified the data to be accurate.

black bean spaghetti, heirloom tomato, garlic, basil


  • black bean spaghetti
  • heirloom tomatoes
  • olive oil
  • basil
  • garlic
  • salt
  • red pepper flakes


Given the shape of the pasta, I decided to prepare this dish in the classic combination of capellini with tomato and basil. Noodles are cooked just like traditional pasta. Heirloom tomatoes are seeded, diced and tossed with good quality olive oil, ribbons of fresh basil, minced garlic, salt and red pepper flakes. My basil plant just happened to be flowering, so, of course, that made the garnish.

Be sure to check out more recipes for super-tasty gluten-free bean pasta…

Edamame Spaghetti Recipe

edamame spaghetti with kale cilantro pesto

(read about edamame spaghetti, made exclusively from green soybeans here)

Pasta Made of Black Beans Only - Gluten-Free, Lower-Carb

Black Bean Spaghetti
Butternut Squash, Mushrooms, Kale, Cabbage
Parmesan and Chives
in a
Savory Garlic Sauce

(recipe here)

36 thoughts on “A Pasta Made Exclusively from Black Beans?”

    1. I went to a beautiful restaurant over looking the ocean ordered the long cod and there were the Costco black bean noodles…..wonderful with peppers and garlic and olive oil…..I now make them all the time…love them…

    1. Hi Franceen – the pasta is available at Whole Foods Market and Amazon. I simply tossed with tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, red pepper flakes, basil, and salt. If you try the black bean noodles, please let me know what you think.

      1. That’s good – generally it’s 200-210 calories. I definitely will keep an eye out for it — I’m thinking about pasta dish with southwestern flavors. Thanks.

  1. Looks so good, I went to my new Whole Foods store here in Savannah to buy some. To my disappointment, they didn’t have it. Or at least we couldn’t find it even though I had lots of help. Maybe we looked in the wrong section…is it in pasta, Asian food or other?

    1. Hi Gay – Sorry you couldn’t find it. It is in the Asian section of our Whole Foods Market here in Torrance, CA. You can buy it online, although I think you have to buy 6 packages at a time, see amazon. Good luck.

      1. Thanks…I’ll look there next time I go, which may be today. At first, I thought it was odd…Chinese pasta…then I remembered that noodle originated in China!

      2. I just bought some at Vita Cost and only had to buy one…Not thrilled that it is made in China which is how I ended up on this website…but they do seem to have tested it…but would rather have it made in USA!

  2. My boyfriend bought this black bean spaghetti about two months ago and I still haven’t figured out what to do with it… I’ve found about 20 recipes on the World Wide Web featuring this but none that I want to try. This one looks okay but I’m not sure. Has anyone tried it?

    1. Mollie, where did you find all the recipes on the web. I’m looking for some. I love this product – try it with spaghetti sauce for starters.

  3. I had bought a package of this—kind of an impulse purchase I suppose. I finally got around to trying it and it is delicious. We ate the first serving tossed with olive oil, pesto with a bit of tomato sauce on top and then topped with Parmesan cheese. Now we are having it with a real spaghetti sauce that includes ground beef and mushrooms. I will definitely start buying this. I like the high protein and high fiber and no sodium. It really tastes good!!!!

  4. Just tried these as a spaghetti. Very traditional with mushroom red sauce.. they are amazing!!

    1. I did the same with a red kale garlic sauce and Italian herbs with Apple chicken sausage. Was very good! I bought it at my local grocery in the gluten free section.

  5. Do we trust this ‘organic’ made in China pasta? Are we sure the beans are good quality and the water is pure? How much due diligence to Whole Foods and Costco do? I agree though, it’s very tasty.

  6. I tried a small sample at Costco and after a few seconds of adjusting my expectation regarding texture, I really enjoyed it. Looked at the nutritional information I was really impressed. While eating something in their café I read that it was made in China. Over the last few years I have become concerned about the quality of food grown/made in China. But reading articles negatively portraying the quality control and safe handling I wonder how much of that is has a racially motivated. I find racism hasn’t necessarily lessened but instead has only become more insidious (this is just my opinion, I am not saying it is a fact). Snopes dot come shows that some concerns are valid and others are not. But Farmed Tilapia, Melamine and the death of pets from the poultry jerky , the later actually sold by Costco, make me second guess what I purchase and consume. Ultimately I returned it before leaving the store. I felt strange about it, almost guilty, but I knew it would just sit on my shelves so why buy it. You recipes do look Fabulous!! So I will seek alternatives. Lovely photos!

    1. Thanks for your thoughtful comment Celina. Your sentiments about imported Chinese foods are sharing by others too. I’m not taking a position except to say that the contents are simply beans and water, and it has been analyzed in the U.S. by three independent companies.

      And thanks for your kind words about my photos. Have a great day!
      Lori Lynn

  7. Do you know of a brand of Black Bean Spaghetti (organic or not) produced anywhere other than China?

  8. Unfortunately this is not made from black beans, but rather black soybeans.

    Just to make you aware in the event you have a soy allergy or are buying this thinking it is made from the common black bean.

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