Thanksgiving Leftovers
Stuffing Mushroom Casserole
For Thanksgiving, we always serve The Stuffing Everyone Loves, and there is always plenty leftover because, you know, we never want to run short on that! Rustic ciabatta, with its porous, chewy texture is the perfect bread for this stuffing. A 50-50 ratio of vegetables (mushroom, celery, onion, and leek) to the volume of ciabatta creates a balanced, not overly bready-y dish. Plenty of butter, Italian parsley and butter-fried sage bring the classic flavors of the season.
Leftover from the green bean topping, there were homemade bacon bits. And miscellaneous cheeses were leftover from our appetizer buffet.
I happened to purchase extra mushrooms when shopping for the Thanksgiving feast. And so, two days later…the tasty Leftover Stuffing Mushroom Casserole was born. I suspect your favorite leftover Thanksgiving stuffing would work equally well with this basic template.