Aguachile de Salmón
Aguachile is just one of many styles of Mexican ceviche. Hailing from the State of Sinaloa, it is traditionally made with raw shrimp, cucumber, onion, lime juice, and fresh chile peppers.
The name “chile-water” comes from the method of mashing chiles with water to make the salsa. Often served as a snack or appetizer, it is usually accompanied by avocado and tostadas.
Here, this vibrant, tangy, refreshing appetizer is made with sushi-grade Southeast Alaska Coho Salmon. Coho’s pleasant mild flavor benefits from lots of jazzy toppings. Coho is a wonderful species of salmon for aguachile – the flavor is enhanced by the salsa and olive oil, the texture pairs great with crispy tostadas, it’s not too fishy, and has broad appeal. (We save expensive King salmon for special meals, and save deep-red Sockeye species for beautiful sashimi). Coho is simply perfect here…