Come, have at seat at the table. Can I get you a glass of wine? A crisp Grüner Veltliner, a luscious Pinot Gris, or perhaps a jammy Pinot Noir?
Taste With The Eyes is my other home, the one without walls. It’s here that I’d like to introduce you to my precious family and my cherished friends. It’s where we’ll have a blast cooking with my nephews Stone, 8, and Jett, 6. Join us as we celebrate the holidays, Passover and Thanksgiving being my favorites. Smell the roses, take a tour of my garden. Attend our themed dinner parties, like the Tribute to Jackie O dinner complete with pillbox hats or our over-the-top Top Chef Dinner with Stephanie Izard.
Travel with me and dine at the world’s finest restaurants from Chicago to Las Vegas, New York to Paris, and the local hole-in-the-walls too. Oh, and don’t miss our underground-style restaurant, The Sunken City Supper Club. It’s a fresh, local and secret place to seasonally mingle with friends and neighbors – to enjoy the camaraderie, great food, wine, and the awesome intimate jazz standards performed by local musicians. We hold one event per season, and the menu always reflects seasonal ingredients.