Couscous Salad Timbales, Meyer Lemon Confit

couscous salad timbale

Couscous Salad Timbales, Meyer Lemon Confit
Zucchini, Peas, Garbanzo Beans, Roasted Almonds
Scallion, Mint, Parsley, Crushed Red Pepper, Lemon Olive Oil Dressing

couscous, timbale

This is the first of many sunny recipes using Meyer Lemon Confit. On March 7th I tucked a jar of fresh Meyer lemons (submerged in sugar and salt) in my basement refrigerator. Now, three months later, I have this intense Meyer lemon confit which is enlivening our salads, pasta, fish, and all sorts of dishes.

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Doenjang Chigae with Bison

doenjang chigae, 된장 찌개
Doenjang Chigae 된장 찌개

A Korean Fermented Soybean Paste Stew with Bison
Zucchini, Shiitake, Tofu, Red Chile, Green Onion, Garlic, Sesame Oil

bison, bison chigae

I make this intensely-flavored savory Korean soybean paste stew with bison. Bison might be a bit more flavorful and a little sweeter, and is naturally leaner than beef. It has more protein and iron too. Federal regulations prohibit the use of hormones in bison. The herd is raised without antibiotics as well.

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