Happy Pi Day!
If you are a math nerd (like me), this is a fun day!
People young and old, all around the world, challenge themselves to memorize ∏ on this day
March 14 or 3.14
Pi, the ratio of the circle’s circumference to its diameter, is an irrational number which never repeats, so, memorizing pi can be a lifelong adventure!
For this Pi Day, we are not baking an apple pie, nor a pizza pie, nor egg pie or quiche!
We are traveling back to Paris to visit Three-Star Michelin Chef Pierre Gagnaire, aka ∏.
My Family and Friends Dining at Pierre Gagnaire
My brother, Don, was planning his wife’s birthday party at Pierre Gagnaire. Being a party of 8, they required us to choose the menu ahead of time. Below is their email exchange. It was destined to be an interesting and amazing experience!
Dear Sir,
Please find enclosed our new menus for your dinner.
Could you please contact us back with your choice before next Tuesday?
Do not hesitate to contact us for further information or for any explanation.
Best regards.
Dear Xavier,
My French is not so great. Is it possible to send me the menu in English. Thank you.
Best regards,
Dear Sir,
Unfortunately we do not have any menu in English, however you can call us at the restaurant if you wish and ask for me or just give us your cell phone number we will then contact you.
Best regards.
Restaurant Pierre Gagnaire
6 rue Balzac
75008 Paris
tel: + 33(0)
fax: + 33(0)
We loved the ambiance and the lighting was perfect, the flower arrangements and the candelabras breathtaking. The china was its own art. Food writer Alec Lobrano says of Gagnaire, “the chef displays the most poetic and perfervid imagination of any French chef…”
We were thrilled by the opportunity to take a tour of the kitchen before the cheese and dessert courses.
Kristy and ∏
Le menu de printemps
Murex, thon rouge et gambas obsiblues enrobés d’une bisque au cerfeuil ;
Infusion douce-amère gélifiée de fenouil.
Moutarde de céleri-rave façon cramone et pointe de persil fumé.
Nage émulsionnée de colinot à la coriandre fraîche.
Pannequet de tourteau, pressé de lapereau au combawa.
Asperges blanches, fèves, petits dés de spek et betteraves rouges.
Fleurs de sauge-ananas.
Tronçon de sole poêlé meunière, ail des ours ; kinsheim.
Feuille de parmesan, côtes de blettes.
Soupe de petit pois au cidre fermier.
Morilles fraîches de Turquie ivres de crème au vin jaune du Jura ;
fines tranches de navet kabu, radis rouge croquant.
Carpaccio de gras seiche ; agria onctueuse, oseille & curry vert.
Petit rouget de roche cuit entier au four,
Crumble végétal ; jus court aux aubergines lié du foie de poisson.
Chou cœur-de-bœuf.
Gratin d’oignons nouveaux à la pistache, lichettes de foie gras de canard.
Sorbet d’agrumes et salade de pousses d’épinard.
Suprême de poularde de Bresse, taillée en escalope, au miel de jungle ;
Pascaline aux mousserons.
Rouelles de homard bleu au poivre de Pondichéry. Sauce Violine.
Terrine de roquefort ; velouté de brebis, wurtz au citron.
Le dessert Pierre Gagnaire. 265€ prix net
Oh my goodness! I was admiring all of the dishes, and the sauces – they must have been amazing! Isn’t it so neat to visit the kitchen? It’s so organized with all of those copper pots.
Oh my. And here we are left to just salivate at the pictures – reflecting on Gagnaire’s culinary artistry. Fantastic.
That is an incredible way to celebrate pi day! Amazing food, china, chocolates, kitchen.
Happy belated pi Day!
Also, I think I died and went to heaven. The restaurant photos, the experience just have me swooning. What an amazing evening. I love it.
You are in Paris for Pi day?
You are crazy! I love it! I can’t wait to go back in September to my favorite city (besides NYC!).
Have fun, that meal looks fantastic!
Oh gosh, I wish, I just went back to “the post that never posted” when we were there last time. I think I’ll go re-word it, it is confusing.
Seriously? You were just in Paris.? Slightly jealous and look at the menu (which I can only partially understand). The pictures are amazing. I want that pot set.
What a fabulous celebration of Pi day, a fantastic meal!
wow very cool that you got to dine here. I wish I have the chance some time in the future.
Great post! And fyi, next time you need a little translation help (or, heck, a translator IN PARIS!), you know where to come!!!! I didn’t realise you were in Paris recently…
Hi Mardi! We weren’t there recently, this is from our last visit. We virtually traveled back there for Pi Day!
I will take you up on the translating!!!
Incredible Experience! Looking forward to meeting you.
Me Too Courtney! See you next week!
That looks like an outrageous meal, truly a feast for the eyes, and no doubt the stomach. Pi suddenly became a lot more interesting than I remember from school.
That is just a wee bit amazing -party of 8, at Gagnaire’s. Nothing in US can hold that kind of respect in the food. And a bonus kitchen tour to boot!