Teacher Appreciation & Pi Day

Teacher Appreciation & Pi Day

Happy Pi Day!

If you are a math nerd (like me), this is a fun day!

People young and old, all around the world, challenge themselves to memorize π on this day
March 14 or 3.14


Pi, the ratio of the circle’s circumference to its diameter, is an irrational number which never repeats,
so memorizing pi can be a lifelong adventure!

For this Pi Day, we are not baking an apple pie, nor a pizza pie, nor egg pie or quiche!

To celebrate Pi Day 2011 we are going to appreciate our math teachers, or better yet, all our teachers!

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Lemon Meringue Pi Day

lemon meringue pie painting by Lori Lynn

Lemon Meringue Pi Day

March 14th. If you are both a math nerd and a foodie, like me, this is an especially fun day where math meets pie!

π = 3.14

Pi, the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, is an infinite irrational number that never repeats… ever… so eventually you can find your own phone number, birthday, anniversary, and any numerical significance in pi, that’s cool.

To celebrate this Pi Day, I am not baking an apple pie, nor a pizza pie, nor egg pie or quiche!

I am painting pie! Lemon Meringue. Acrylic on canvas.

My virtual lemon meringue pie pan has a diameter of  9 1/2 inches. What is the circumference you ask?

That is where my handy little mysterious irrational number comes in. The circumference is the diameter multiplied by pi.

C = dπ

9.5 X 3.141592653 = 29.845130209

So approximately 30″ around. Awesome. Thanks π!

Happy Pi Day, Everyone!

Teacher Appreciation & Pi Day

staff appreciation luncheon

Happy Pi Day!

If you are a math nerd (like me), this is a fun day!

People young and old, all around the world, challenge themselves to memorize ∏ on this day
March 14 or 3.14


Pi, the ratio of the circle’s circumference to its diameter, is an irrational number which never repeats,
so memorizing pi can be a lifelong adventure!

For this Pi Day, we are not baking an apple pie, nor a pizza pie, nor egg pie or quiche!

To celebrate Pi Day 2011 we are going to appreciate our math teachers, or better yet, all our teachers!

Continue reading “Teacher Appreciation & Pi Day”

Pi Day: Pierre Gagnaire

Happy Pi Day!
If you are a math nerd (like me), this is a fun day!

People young and old, all around the world, challenge themselves to memorize ∏ on this day
March 14 or 3.14


Pi, the ratio of the circle’s circumference to its diameter, is an irrational number which never repeats, so, memorizing pi can be a lifelong adventure!

For this Pi Day, we are not baking an apple pie, nor a pizza pie, nor egg pie or quiche!

We are traveling back to Paris to visit Three-Star Michelin Chef Pierre Gagnaire, aka ∏.

My Family and Friends Dining at Pierre Gagnaire

My brother, Don, was planning his wife’s birthday party at Pierre Gagnaire. Being a party of 8, they required us to choose the menu ahead of time. Below is their email exchange. It was destined to be an interesting and amazing experience!

Dear Sir,
Please find enclosed our new menus for your dinner.
Could you please contact us back with your choice before next Tuesday?
Do not hesitate to contact us for further information or for any explanation.
Best regards.

Dear Xavier,
My French is not so great. Is it possible to send me the menu in English. Thank you.
Best regards,

Dear Sir,
Unfortunately we do not have any menu in English, however you can call us at the restaurant if you wish and ask for me or just give us your cell phone number we will then contact you.
Best regards.

Restaurant Pierre Gagnaire
6 rue Balzac
75008 Paris
tel: + 33(0)
fax: + 33(0)

Continue reading “Pi Day: Pierre Gagnaire”

Pi Day Math for Cooks

First of all – Happy Pi Day!
If you are a math nerd, this is a fun day!
March 14 or 3.14…and I did not just admit to being a nerd?!?

What is pi?
It is the ratio of the circle’s circumference to its diameter.

So here, my lovely Le Creuset Enameled Cast-Iron Tarte Tatin pan has a diameter of 9 1/2 inches. What is the circumference you ask?
That is where my handy little mysterious irrational number comes in! The circumference is the diameter (as measured by my whimsical tape measure) multiplied by pi.
The circumference of my Le Creuset pan:
pi d = C
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884+ X 9.5 = 29.845130209+
About 30″ around.
OK, I am off to bake a 30″ circumference apple tarte tatin!
Did you enjoy some pie on Pi Day?

(Portions of this post were written for Pi Day 2008, as some things never change, and pi is one of them).