Teacher Appreciation Luncheon ~ Baseball Theme! Home Run!

root beer float
teacher appreciation luncheon invitation

Take me out to the ball game! We all have our favorite days in the school year – mine, Graduation Day and the Annual Teacher & Staff Appreciation Day. Each year the generous, creative parents of children at Rolling Hills Country Day School transform our auditorium into a delightful oasis in the middle of the workday.

A couple weeks before the event we were thrilled to receive an “admission ticket” to a DAY AT THE PARK accompanied by a box of Cracker Jack – a baseball-themed luncheon, and we were invited to wear our favorite team jersey. How fun! And while we know the general theme of the event, the decor and menu will be a surprise until we walk through the auditorium doors. We’re always dazzled and amazed when we enter the room!

The attention to detail is what impresses me most. This year featured charming picnic tables with astro turf runners with giant baseball vases and handcrafted daffodil arrangements. Four “Olde Fashioned Stations” were set up around the room – Party Favors, Root Beer Floats, Ball Park Candy & Cupcake, Popcorn. Fresh popped corn was offered with assorted toppings – truffle salt was by far the most popular. Several moms baked specialty cookies, which were made into ice cream sandwiches, a hot seller! The buffet table featured a bounty of picinic-style sandwiches, salads, and sides. Last but not least, one dad was the pretzel & peanut vendor, how adorable is that??

While some parents graciously serve the food and set the tables at the luncheon, other parents are in the classrooms with the children so teachers may have an extended lunch period to relax and enjoy the fabulous meal. We are so very fortunate to work at an outstanding school with such a dedicated parent population.

baseball luncheon collage
teacher luncheon baseball menu
peanut vendor teacher appreciation luncheon
hot dog
teacher appreciation luncheon
teacher appreciation luncheon
baseball lunch refreshments
baseball theme teacher appreciation luncheon
baseball table setting
Teacher Luncheon Team Spirit!
root beer float
cookies & ice cream
teacher appreciation luncheon
ball game candy
time out

Extending my personal Thank You to the creative, clever, generous parents of the students at Country Day School. You can bet that my camera battery is charged and I can’t wait to capture your artistic imaginative flair and original ideas for entertaining on this day every single year. I’m inspired by your creativity and grateful for your dedication and enthusiasm. You are the All Stars!

Make Sure to Visit Our Other Fabulous


Amazing Eco-Friendly Luncheon (click here)

“Because waste is a terrible thing to waste.”


UPDATE  April 2015: This just in!

Teacher Appreciation Luncheon ~ Farmers Market Theme

Teacher Appreciation Luncheon ~ Farmers Market Theme

Click here, you’re gonna love it!


Teacher Appreciation Luncheon ~ Celebrating Our National Parks

Teacher Appreciation and Our National Parks

26 thoughts on “Teacher Appreciation Luncheon ~ Baseball Theme! Home Run!”

  1. Oh my gosh Lori!! You captured it beautifully! I think I have a tear! It’s as if you crawled in my head and so eloquently captured the day! My long nights of designing the invitation, players cards, labels, tags, sewing the canopies are over…oh what will I do with my time??!? I guess start planning next years?? Haha:)
    On behalf of myself and my amazing, supportive volunteers that helped bring my vision to life…we want to say “Thank You” for all you do at RHCDS!

    1. Thank you so much Alex! What an amazing lunch. We all really felt the love. Such care and attention to detail , makes us all feel appreciated!!!

    2. Hi Alex – not one of your creations/ideas escaped me. I just love every last detail. Thanks again for the inspiration and making us all feel very special on that day.
      Next year? Can’t wait to journey where your vision takes us!!

  2. As a former elementary school teacher, I can assure you that such a beautiful luncheon with attention to the smallest detail( which elementary school teachers LOVE) was very likely to touch the hearts of its guests. Teachers work so hard and usually grab a quick lunch because something “urgent” always requires that they spare a few minutes of their lunchtime……so being treated to such a feast I am sure was a welcome and much appreciated event.

    LL your pictures capture the beauty and creative spirit of the luncheon. I could almost taste the goodies! Thanks for sharing.


  3. This was a Teaches Appreciation Day? WOW! Definitely an obvious sign that you teachers are loved and appreciated! Congratulations! What an amazing luncheon in so many ways.

  4. This looks lovely! I am incharge of planning this for my son’s school this year and would love some information on some of the adorable details used for your luncheon. What exactly were the favors for the teachers? Also, can you find out where the mugs were purchased from and how did they coordinate the rootbeer float station? I love the chalkboard plates….is that what your food was served on and did someone purchase them or make them? Thanks so much!!! Just trying to complile a list of ideas.

    Take care,
    Melissa Brazell

      1. Hello, I am doing a baseball lucheon for my daughter teachers. and would like to know all the favors, and set up you did.

        thank muriel
        the lucheon is in March. so a quick reply will be greatly appreciated.

        1. Hi Muriel –
          Good luck with your luncheon. Unfortunately, I was a guest at this event, and did not plan it, so the best we can do is look at the photos for inspiration.
          Bless you for honoring the teachers.

  5. Beautiful event!! Would love to incorporate your ideas any way we could. I chair the appreciation committee at our high school. We have a huge group to feed as it is a high school. All our funding is through our PTA group and it’s fairly generous but thus far we haven’t been able to spend it on decor. Your event is so festive and inviting. Please pass along any tips or ideas on budgeting for an event like yours. We do one event each month so our budget has to stretch to cover the year. Any tips would be so truly appreciated to punch up our teacher’s lounge.

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