Happy Pi Day!
If you are a math nerd (like me), this is a fun day!
People young and old, all around the world, challenge themselves to memorize π on this day
March 14 or 3.14
Pi, the ratio of the circle’s circumference to its diameter, is an irrational number which never repeats,
so memorizing pi can be a lifelong adventure!
For this Pi Day, we are not baking an apple pie, nor a pizza pie, nor egg pie or quiche!
To celebrate Pi Day 2011 we are going to appreciate our math teachers, or better yet, all our teachers!
You Have A Big Heart
If you could write a fortune, place it in a fortune cookie and give it to your teacher,
coach, or staff member, what would it say?
You will get a great class next year.
from Jack
Good fortune abounds.
All your children will listen to you.
from Gregory
Beautiful table centerpieces with mini flowing fountain.
Someday in the future you will find a nice sweater.
from Andrew
Everybody will love you.
from Sophia
Tea, and fortune cookie, and crane.
My fortune was:
You’ll have a vacation to Hawaii, Pittsburgh, and Dallas.
from Austin
There will be peace in the world for you.
from Ethan
You will hit the jackpot in luck tomorrow.
Your lucky numbers are 9, 11,17, 19, 20, 21, and 101.
from Yuki
Teacher Appreciation Asian Theme
This year for Teacher & Staff Appreciation Day, our wonderful parents chose a delightful Asian theme, transforming the auditorium into a magical colorful space.
On this day the parents go all-out to express their gratitude for the faculty and staff at our school. While some parents graciously wait on the teachers at the luncheon, other parents are in the classrooms so teachers may have an extended lunch period to relax and enjoy the fabulous meal.
The appetizer buffet included eggrolls and sushi rolls.
Hot Chinese Buffet
Shrimp, chicken, and tofu stir-fries.
Faculty and staff received invitations to the luncheon two weeks prior to the event, which included a set of chopsticks – so we knew the theme was to be Asian, but no one sees the room until they arrive for lunch.
Imagine our delight as we walk into the transformed auditorium! We are fortunate indeed – to work at an outstanding school with such a dedicated parent population.
Cherry blossoms – an omen of good fortune and an emblem of love and affection.
Koi – a very powerful symbol of good luck, abundance and prosperity.
The hot buffet was a bit hit!
Desserts included a cookie buffet and homemade red velvet cupcakes.
Love Notes
From the children…
Dear Coach Grant,
You are AWESOME!!
From, Mateo-Luis
Dear Mr. Kane,
I had a lot of fun in your class and I hope I can do more fun projects again.
Take-out containers filled with goodies and homemade cake pops.
Paper cranes and fortune cookies.
Thank You Parents & Happy Pi Day Teacher!
Teacher Appreciation Luncheons
UPDATE: Going way beyond creative, over the years the parents have turned an ordinary auditorium into:
Clever Eco-Friendly Environment
National Park with Campfire Lunch in the “Woods”
To those who plan Teacher Appreciation Luncheons, click on each link for fabulous inspiration!
(reposted from 2011)
What a wonderful luncheon to thank the teachers. I just loved the “fortunes” thought up by the students.