Hot & Garlicky Spinach and Soybeans

Spinach, edamame, thinly shaved garlic, red pepper flakes, and toasted sesame oil make this side dish pop!

Garlic is sauteed briefly in toasted sesame oil, then add boiled soybeans and red pepper flakes.

Add baby spinach and a little sea salt and cook just until the spinach is wilted.

Excellent served as an accompaniment to the Filet Mignon with Madeira Sauce.

Frozen Food – GUMBO

GUMBO – Freeze date 5/27/07 and brought back to life 10/01/07.

I cooked a delicious Chicken Andouille Sausage Gumbo last May.
I used FROZEN okra in the recipe.

After over 4 months in the freezer, it’s gumbo time again!
To freeze successfully, chill the container in the refrigerator for a day before putting in the freezer (don’t go from room temperature straight to the freezer). The flavors seem to develop better this way, too. Remember to label the container.

“Strummin’ my six-string
On my front porch swing
Smell those shrimp they’re beginnin’ to boil…” JB
I cooked up some shrimp to add to the gumbo…
The shrimp were FROZEN. I defrosted them under cold running water, removed the shells (they were already deveined) and gently boiled them in water with some unsalted butter and made some fluffy white rice…

Stir in some gumbo file (powdered sassafras leaves) when the gumbo is hot. File is an authentic seasoning and thickener. Always stir it in after the gumbo has been cooked, right before serving.

“Just forget about the mumbo jumbo
Hello to the world of gumbo…” JB

Spoon the gumbo over rice, and add the shrimp.

Do you have a set rule for how long something can last in your freezer? I thought maybe over 3 months was too long, but this was even better than I remembered it!

The Classic BLT

Who doesn’t love a great sandwich? The Bacon, Lettuce & Tomato sandwich does not need updating, it just needs fabulous ingredients. There is a good reason it is a classic!
Toasted Ciabatta bread, Niman Ranch bacon cooked in a skillet (not a microwave), homemade or good quality mayonnaise, heirloom tomatoes with a little sea salt, and garden fresh mixed lettuces.
I didn’t have a pickle, so I served it with Caper Berries marinated in White Balsamic Vinegar. They’re delicious!

Do you have a classic dish that should not be messed with?
This post was inspired by Pim of chez pim, she says don’t mess with her Pad Thai.

Scampi con Capelli d’Angelo

Large shrimp in garlic butter sauce over pasta nests.

Cooking the capelli d’angelo or angel hair nests.

Ingredient Still Life.
Butter, garlic, lemon, parsley, chardonnay, vermouth.

Serve the shrimp in their own little nests.

Saute lots of minced garlic in butter taking care not to brown the butter nor the garlic. Then add a splash of chardonnay and a splash of vermouth, add the shrimp, then finish with a squeeze of lemon and sprinkle with parsley.

Having a dinner party? This would make a fabulous pasta course, serve each guest one nest. Top each shrimp with a little caviar. Very rich, elegant, flavorful!

This post was inspired by Simona of Briciole. She explains the difference between capellini and capelli d’angelo. I have a lot more to learn about scampi vs. gambero, too!
Thanks Simona!