And so the sun has set on my participation in Project Food Blog, Foodbuzz’s first ever competition where 10 official challenges test the culinary and blogging skills of almost 2000 contestants, whittling them down until only one star remains…It was an honor and pleasure to compete in the company of so many talented bloggers.
Thank you all for your enthusiasm and encouragement. Thank you to the wonderful folks at foodbuzz and the esteemed judges Dana Cowin, Nancy Silverton, and Pim Techamuanvivit. Thank you to my friends and family for sharing the cooking, entertaining, and the excitement with me. It has also been great fun to meet so many terrific new food bloggers! Best wishes to the 24 bloggers remaining in the contest. The last three challenges are: Piece of Cake, You’re the (Restaurant) Critic, and The Final Post. All the remaining contestants are super qualified, we can’t wait to see who emerges as the winner. Bonne chance my friends!
Taste With The Eyes
Links to Seven Challenges:
Challenge #1 Ready Set Blog: What is TaStE WiTh ThE EyEs?
Challenge #2 The Classics: Classic Peruvian – Aji de Gallina
Challenge #3 Luxury Dinner Party: Modern Southwest
Challenge #4 Picture Perfect: quesadillas florales
Challenge #5 Recipe Remix Pizza: Asian Pizzette
Challenge #6 Road Trip: ELEGANT PICNIC BY THE SEA
Challenge #7 Video 411: Entertain with Gelée!
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Your Friend,
Lori Lynn