⭐️⭐️ Hatch Chile Stew ⭐️⭐️
With Chicken and Heirloom Beans
Tortilla Strips, Sour Cream, Avocado, Radish, Cilantro
Hatch Chile Aficionados, you’re gonna love this stew! It is chock-full of a whole pound of fire-roasted chopped Hatch chiles. But don’t worry, I used the mild ones so it is not too spicy, just bursting with New Mexico green chile goodness. There is also red Hatch chile powder in the recipe for another layer of chile flavor and so you can adjust the spice-level to your liking. 🔥
Chicken and heirloom beans make it a hearty meal while all the garnishes give it pizzazz. Home-fried tortilla strips are dusted with Hatch chile powder and give the stew a spicy Southwest crunch. Sour cream, avocado, radish, and cilantro bring creamy, peppery, and herby notes. Unlike some stews where chicken and/or beans take center stage and chiles play a supporting role, here, the chiles are the star. ⭐️
Hatch Chiles are chile pepper varieties commercially cultivated in the Hatch Valley of Southern New Mexico. It is said that the soil and climate of the area contribute to the especially pleasing flavor of the chiles. (from Fresh Chile Co. here) 🌶
Hatch Chile Stew with Chicken, Heirloom Beans Recipe
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